lol. yea . and i was high that night. and by the way, it's on a weekday. actually we planned to eat at golden mile. thai food or something. justin,mario,willie and me. then they drove to my place to pick us up. then drove to orchard. ended up in a pub but we let within half an hour. then just head off to neverland to watch world cup since we're already at orchard. then drank. omg. luckily i wore a black shorts if it was other colours , it's damn obvious i came from home or something. and also it was dark. haha. drank with the hot girls there.
thai girls really hot larrrr. there's one hot guy also. but communication error . haha. i dun understand what he says and we only bottoms up. that's all. hahas. but alot of thai guys players lar. so yea. i reached home damn late . like 4 , 5 plus. woke up at 8 for school. and yes this is really crazy. damn tired. my face looking damn bad , not in good state. and yea that was for the day before ystd.
ystd went to meet gf brenda. tdc to slack and waste time . then head off to mario's house to watch soccer. then justin sent me home. but ystd something shitty happened. shant elaborate since everything is put aside and okay now.
Later i going office meet my hpib ex colleagues to have lunch ! how good is that! and probably see my kim kim and wanni there !!! :))
this was taken before going to neverland that night.

he's working and i dragged him to take photo. he totally no mood. lols
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