Shit, ok .
Today I had a very unpleasant trip to school in bus. Like usual 851 to yck. and then that timing always alot of elderly heading to yishun one. So i was being cramped. but that's not the unpleasant part. Seats are all occupied by elderly and only one EXCEPTIONAL seat is occupied by this teenager who totally have no heart. She sat down in a priority seat with her dad i suppose. and some of the 'ahma' are alread complaining saying that she should give the seat up and that they stood for long time already. Guess what? OMFG, she replied "also not i want to sit this kind of seat, i just want to accompany my dad." Thinking of this makes me boil like seriously. DAMN DAMN inconsiderate. Dunno how to describe her. and her dad still supports her by saying in MRT, also nobody will give up the seat to you so there's no difference between priority seat or normal seat(speaking in chinese). I was so annoyed with her "she is so right" that kind of tone and mentality. Im not trying to sound nice , be nice here. But she freaking hell spoil my mood. and she didnt stop complaining. she still like talk back to the auntie. and then i cannot tahan already. she's just right infront of me btw. So i just tell her, if you dun want to sit this seat, then dun complain and let others sit. Seriously i did that. She's like my age kinda. or maybe like in secondary school that kind. brains.
I should have taken a picture of her and post it up to stomp. !@#$%
Ok, that's about it today.

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