Dead tired now, yet still blogging. Having a minor headache. A lil heavy hearted. hmm, mood isnt that great. but well, it's still not worst.
Hmm, today's my lunar birthday ! So , happy lunar birthday to myself. Mum bought me to temple to pray early this morning. So i kinda woke up at 7 plus am. reached home at around 9. Caught a fast two hour rest till 11+ to get ready for work ! So you could imagine how shag i was feeling during work. but fortunately, there were idiots making my day. So.... yea.
Work was rather busy today ! because we were giving popcorns for free. so kids come to ask for them. and we were selling candy floss too. For myself, i wasnt really into F&B when i was looking for job. and now i ended up selling food. ahah. i wasnt doing the popcorn side initially. but my in charge put me there so no choice. We made STRAWBERRY POPCORNS Today ! how does it sound ? it was rather tasty. my hands were like taking one after one. hahahs.
Rebecca sweet was joining me to mend the booth for the popcorn. and this week was rose popcorn . sounds weird but it's freaking nice!! Everything was so fun except the washing part. The washing part takes near up to like 45 mins for both the machines . omg. and we need to scrub the sweet sweet stuff away , it's hell. hate that. other than that , work's still fun ! :)
Went to eat with cousin after work
Rebecca sweet with the dunno what.
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