Guess what ? House chores were all done by me ! ALONE ! washing clothes, ironing, drying, sweeping the floor, packing my room, renewing my stuffs, packing my ever-growing wardrobe, books. Everything except studying. I guess i have been influenced by the new year mood. everything also change. including myself.
Recently bought and threw alot of things. new pillow , bolster, bedsheets, towel, clothes. Even the minor-est thing, toothbrush. And also , I have never threw so much things in my life before. Threw away all books that i dun need, my old bedsheets, pillows, blanket, all the teddy bears received, clothes ( 6 bags of them waiting to give ppl or donate, some not even worn).
However, i sorta love the feeling. Fresh , ReFreshed and feeling really good. BUT , my studies aint getting any better. in fact it got worst. i think i gonna retake two modules this sem. oh god. i really feel very distracted. cant seem to put my heart into studies although i know very clearly i need to. cus is just another year for graduation ! so , buck up vivien lim !
oh yes ! postman had sent me my driving license ! hahas. but i wasnt at home then. so have to collect from nearest singapore post.
pictures for ystd. went to chill with my girlfriends again ! :D
Like usual, camwhoring before going out. hahas.
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