has been in a idle mode for very long. to be specific, since school started. i have no idea how i spent these weeks. actually very angry with myself for the shit i'm in . like everything also not good. and these has been prolonged for months already. can anyone just understand?
today supposed to hand up our project prototype. and none of my group mates were in school. actually i think it's my fault cus i told them i would go to sch today. it was raining cats and dogs this morning. when i woke up at 9. i lazed myself on bed telling myself i would wake up in another 15 mins or so. but when i woke up it's already 945. no matter how i rush, i wouldnt make it early unless i take a cab. and according to my financial status . i'm fucking broke that kind. so i didnt go and went back to sleep. when i woke and came online to discuss the project with my darlings. saw shalyn's nick saying where are all my groupmates?? upon reading that, i felt guilty. Just felt angry with myself.
So after finishing my stuffs, went to watch a hongkong drama bought by dear. eyes were tired and i went to sleep again. 10pm plus i woke up. which is like not long ago. went to change bedding for my hamsters. cleon came home today with ling. they bought me this bling bling bracelet that at least made me smile for a moment. Appreciated it alot & Thanks !
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