hahas. Today i had a super long day. skipped lecture in the morning. Planned to go for ipnet but when i reached, Mr Yong already wrapping up the lesson. oh yes. when i reached school near the fountain there, my hp dropped until my batt and case also came off.(i plurk about it) . omg, i thought i would have a bad day ahead but..... hahas. lol. ok back , then after that started on our project until like arond 3 plus. my stomach growling already. lols. then we went eat at koufu , standard. only got me myrah jj bs and terence. ok , we chat and laughed alot. lols. then went to lab do project again. until around 6 plus 7 ? yea. terence went home and we headed to the libraryto meet our classmates. project again. and some mates started to go off one by one. at last only left me jj myrah and nick . lols. helping to solve my error. lols. and still laughed alot. and camwhored. lols. Pictures gonna be up later ! at around 8 plus we left sch. me jj and myrah went to amk hub to shop a little and had dinner at MAC. then , still laughed alot when we were at the MAC. after a while, myrah's bf came and we left together. back home sweet home at around 11plus. omg. i wore my lenses for 13hours today. so unhealthy. oh yes ! i bought an O2 skin eyeshadow at a dirt cheap price. and i'm gonna get more tmr !

ok. i really need to talk about this. hahas. damm funny. you know . this opened seaweed thing is hidden inside the empty fries cover. and i thought it is not used. then i like tell jj , " wah lao , you never use then you never give me ! " few secs later ,i turned and realised it is opened already. and everyone burst into laughter. jj say i talk like idiot. *joking manner lar* wah lao. hahas.
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