If you dunno, they are from hong kong TVB's actress/actor. omg. hahas. i cannot believe. so pretty can. how can i misss this. when i was acc my dear go my mum stall there. there's this uncle say they're coming to bugis !! omg, and i went over to bugis !! hahas. omg, the ppl there. squeeze until ............... i sweat like hell. but regretted i didnt wear heels. at last, i manage to make my way to the front *leaving dear behind* hahas. and took alot of pictures ! and videos ! hahas. after that went to suntec to watch harry porter with dear. he wanted to catch a movie for so long. until now then we use the free movie pass from navy :D hahahs. alright ! upload pictures soonnn... but pardon me for blur pictures. my camera's not that fantastic :(
oh yes oh yes !! ONE IMPT thing to mention ! dear just bought 4 hamsters ! and i didnt really agree to the idea of it but ...... and he left it at my house during these two days ! and what ? 4 became 2left in the cage today when i woke up ! 2 of the hamster were gone ! i think cus the cage wasnt tightly close. maybe it was me . i said MAYBE ! cus i was trying to play with them ystd night ! and found that they can really be cute. so dear's mood was all the way moody. worried they might die somewhere. then after that , my eldest brother ransacked the whole room ! and found only 1 of them !!! omg. then just now. i mean when i'm sitting in my room blogging. dear and my 2nd brother ransacked the room the second time ! omg, can see dear really care for the hamster so much. and found the other one. goodness !!! omg, i cannot believe it was found.
*when there's a will, there will be a way ! hahas.
so blurred that it became an effect. lols.
These pictures grab from tvb :D lols.
this is moses chan ! hahas. he even sang a song today ! although not as handsome but so charming and he is so flirtatious. lols

i guess this was taken some time ago. cus she now is short hair ! but still so pretty.

Chermaine sheh ! hahas. big eyes, sharp nose. all that pretty babes need :D

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