Hello everyone ! today met up with kelly dear. hahs. as usual we were both late. then , we met up at fareast. and shopped. walk walk around. she was looking for a gift for her friend. then we looked around. nothing to buy. or rather, no money to buy. LOL ! hahs. quite alot of people there. prolly cus its a Sat. long time since i go there. then we went to at claypot rice. yummy ! although we never meet up very long already, but we still got alot to chat about. somemore get to know her bf also in navy, sign on one. lols. my boyfriend also. so qiao :D then we went to PS after that. not much things also. then, she decided to buy perfume for her friend after we went to several places to search. then get to know also, our ex-colleague MeiFeng ROM ! hahs. congrats to her ! i really must admit getting older. since when your friends are those who are planning about marriage. now, like our topics all got marriage this kind. hahs. then went to find ahyi. cus she working. i also dunno whether she's working today. but just try my luck. and indeed she was there. cotton on's on sales ! hahs. great grabs. then slack and chat awhile. and we went home :D
Nice day with her :D today i just bought a pair of shades. hahas. being poor is so pathetic.
ok pictures time ! i'm camwhoring with my dearest now !

hahas. He's trying on the shades i bought.

Until me ! lols.

i like this picture !

Some dinosaur exhibition over at PS :D
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