Two years back when perming hair is very 'trend', i already felt like perming. But i dont have the courage! People who know me, they know i die die dont want means dont want. Should say dun dare. And today i went to perm! It's outta my imagination. hahah. couldnt believe it but starting to. LOL. i didnt do big pretty curls like those you will see on magazines / jap girls kinda. i went to do small and medium curls instead. Only for one reason : because they last longer. of course i would want my hair to be as pretty as those on magazines but still, that's not realistic. you wouldnt want to spend perming your hair but it will only last one maybe one month ? Right? So nvm la, i look like auntie also okay. At least i tried a new look. I had quite an enjoyable day today! Time pass very very fast when i was in the salon. Prolly cus i was very excited and anxious about the outcome.
Guess who's my companion today? hahahaa. My cousin laa. Who else. This is not surprising as i always hang out with her. But what? SHE PERM HER HAIR TOGETHER WITH ME ALSO! hehehehehehehe. i was so happy. though can see she's not really satisfied with the result " but nvm la. Have a fresh new look, and you will get used to it very very soon!" (if she's reading) hahaha.
The joke of the day was that: While in the midst of doing our hair, we were damn hungry and we went down to the mac nearby to buy food. Our hair was like in those auntie use that kind of pink old curler & towel wrapping our head.And everyone was staring at us and probably laughing la. but seriously i think it's okay leh. i think like we're not the only one like that. then my cousin damn funny, she was so paiseh that she say " later got people post us on stomp! "
LOL Okay done blogging! Here is my few pictures inside my cam. Did most of the camwhoring in my cousin's iPhone. so only abit.
How ? Look older right? (i always look old , so nvm) But got nicer not? LOL. I myself think looks fresher lor.
Dont know why without flash the lighting is like that.
CURLING CURLING IN PROGRESS. My cousin's then mine.