hello ! today was a very very tiring day. although i start school at 1. but i woke up at 10. cus as i mentioned got to take my pdl. so i reached ssdc at 1230. omg, is like i wake so early still can reach so late. then went to try my luck if i can apply in half an hour. who knows, damm alot of ppl. but i still took the queue number, 043 . then is like waited till 1250pm. then i dun wanna wait already. then got this malay applying for pdl also. so i gave him my queue number and told him i'm leaving then dun need the queue number. his queue is 049, i saw. he say 'thank you' (further explain why this is in ' ' later) ok. so i went off and reached school on time since its not very far from school.
then , my lesson ended like within half an hour when its supposed to be a 2 hour lesson. so i ask myrah to acc me to ssdc apply. so we went. who knows the guy is still there waiting. omg, can you imagine how many ppl there. *got yan dao there also * ok anyway, then myrah and me like sit down there. and queue up again. my no is 068. number doesnt go in sequence. then is like we hesitate very long. then after that i go ask the malay guy if he still have two queue. he ask how come i know he has two queue numbers? omg, is like less than an hour. he just forgot that i'm the one who gave him the ticket. so his thank you dunno is like for wat. but seriously , nobody will rmb i think. ok then is like he gave me the 049 one. but stil better than 068. luckily still made it in time for the next lesson at 4.
I WAITED FOR 2 hours plus. then went back school. then when i go home. took 853 as usual. and boarded 66 at bendemeer. then there's this guy who came up to me and talk to me after i reach my house de bus stop. he in 66 also. but when i go down, he go down also. damm scary. oh yes ! at night , went to collect my bandage skirt then went to eat boon tong kee.. hmm, love it. but like intend to sell one of them. dunno if i dare to wear not.

Thursday, April 30, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
hello everybody ! today was a real tiring day. hmmm, i reached school early cus god dad drive me :D and in the morning drank the dong cong cao to help me ti shen. lols. but it wasnt really nice. lols. but i like herbs stuff so still can take it. today supposed to end at 1. but tmr's last two lesson has been moved to today. so school ends at 4 today. after school, i went to cp. and went to bugis meet ahyi shop shop and catch up awhile. as usual, shopped at village and junction. and saw few ppl there. my ex colleague, jiaheng and his bro, zhili (my school one). i bought a boyfriend shirt. and a sort of mini bandage skirt in GLOSSY silver ? i'm still hesitating if i will wear it out. but i'm utterly broke already. is like i have like maybe a dollar left inside my bank after deducting all the expenses. and i just bought a high waisted bandage skirt online. collecting tmr :D bandage skirt is love ! but for ppl who have big butts like me might have to match properly so that it doesnt look bigger. but i still love it ! what will you match with bandage skirt ? i dunno how leh. give me some comments leh. hmmm, when i collect already. i post the pictures up. i feel like giving up my vevina-s and take a rest. no business ar. like waste time :x tmr i will be applying for my pdl so that my first prac can commence on the friday :D stupid terence. like sms him ask him give me his instructor's number no reply no pick all. i admit it was at first my fault because i thought i saved the number already then in school that time never take from him. end up dunno i save where. so i call him. then no pick. pissed lor. okk ! ending here :D will post pictures soon !
Sunday, April 26, 2009
hello everybody ! actually today didnt plan to blog. but i got nothing to do now. knw what happen today ? ahdear and me wanted to go out since we haven like really go out for shopping for hours like before. and we planned to go bugis, nearest to home. hahas. but i woke up at around 4 ? cannot rmb. then watched tv and went to prepare at 5 plus. so at 6 plus we are ready to go out. then when we reached coffee shop, sat there and chat with my mum till 7. like lols. and saw star awards live on tv. omg, and know wat ? we went back home to watch and gave up the idea of shopping. omg, like i make up all. and end up i went to coffee shop downstairs and back home. lols. and all the way watched till 11pm. omg, cai shao fen, hu xin er, ruan jin tian. omg, came to sg. ahhas. damm love them man. especially those from hk. hahas. omg, if i were there.......... i think i would be fucking high. lols. ok. and now , i should be sleeping cus i have lessons starting at 9 tmr and i must wake up by 7. around 7 hours of slp. ok. i shall get going. oh yes, i suddenly crave for kbox sessions with my cousin, jennifer ( i bet she will say " a, wah lao , remove this name leh) ok lumin. but just read from her blog that she just went kbox with her other frens to celebrate her birthday . and ............................................... lols. my mood comes again. yea yea , go go go !! bye bye ~
Saturday, April 25, 2009
hello ! today last min went out with roy and corliss ( my 2nd bro and his gf ) and ahdear. we were thinking where to go from 4 plus. and decided to go tampines at 7pm. so everybody was getting ready at my house from 6pm. and we took 23 to tampines. the newly open shopping mall. its my second time going since they open. and we shopped there awhile when we reached at 830pm. damm nice, bysi's clothes and their belts. the price nice also. lols. then we went to makan. but at foodcourt damm alot of people. so we went around and see. and decided to go to say cheeze to eat :D it was damm nice :D we ordered a few main dishes , side dishes which included pizzas :D , baked rice and salmon something. look at the pictures. of all, pizza is the nicest :D know why , because i chose it. lols. no lar, it was really nice. then milkshake also damm nice. inside they put cheesecake then with strawberry :D yummy ! after eating, we chatted alot of stuffs and took pictures till 10 plus. the price, hmmm, was quite affordable ? yea, like $70 + for 4 person. then we went home after that :D ok ! i'm going to mahjong with my elder brother and the gf now :D

Friday, April 24, 2009
abcdefg........ omg, my coughing goes abcdefg. faster end at z. dammm. have not been feeling very well these few days. come and go come and go. then somemore having my pms. wth. and my sleeping hours have gone like.. lols. slp in the afternoon wake up at night. then dunno do wat also. i feel that this week has passed slowly for school. like super long hours. omg, today i only had this lecture and i went to school for less than 2 hours and back home. i came home 3am last night. went to villa with daddy. then, was so tired. wana slp more. and ended, i forgot the timing for lecture and woke an hour earlier than i'm suppose to. like normally i need a two hour to prepare + travelling time to school. today, i woke 3 hours earlier. then was taking my own sweet time. and call nick to come eat breakfast in school. he live nearest to school that's why he sure can make it on time. so i met him in koufu and ate some bread and went for lecture. lecture was damm boring can. the teacher talk talk talk and nobody listens. maybe some. and i was so bored. keep on talking to myrah. and laugh laugh all. lols. and went to back home after acc them to north canteen to eat. back home, sleep. camwhore some pictures like usual. and wake up now. at 9 plus. now waiting for my bro to help me buy food :D . oh yes !! happy birthday cousin ! editing pictures. will upload later :D
Things i bought recently -i'm broke already :
- Contact lenses for 7 months
- Two Skin79 Hot pink BB cream :D
- Two bags ordered from tw spree
- Ginvera Marvel Gel
Things i'm going to buy/ spend on :
- Moisturizer , Toner
- Non dated diary
- Apply Pdl
- Driving pracs *gg
- Colour contacts * if i got extra $
- Phone Bill

Things i bought recently -i'm broke already :
- Contact lenses for 7 months
- Two Skin79 Hot pink BB cream :D
- Two bags ordered from tw spree
- Ginvera Marvel Gel
Things i'm going to buy/ spend on :
- Moisturizer , Toner
- Non dated diary
- Apply Pdl
- Driving pracs *gg
- Colour contacts * if i got extra $
- Phone Bill

Monday, April 20, 2009
Hello people. never blog for a week plus. hahas. i never go out how to blog. ok i went out ystd. WENT TO SCHOOL ! hahas. met my classmates :D:D best thing ever are school days with them :D hmm, ok. and its like i didnt sleep a wink on sunday night and was tossing on bed from mid to morning. omg. hyper active. then i went school. then as usual with all the stupid lecture. damm boring. can sleep. but to the end of the day, my bed's calling me when i'm in school. omg. damm tired. then went home at 4 plus after last lec. reached 5plus. dilly dally , and went to bed at 7pm ? i guess. then till now. 12pm. omg. hahs. but i did wake up during 2am. if not sure get headache , too much sleep. and i was just ransacking my drawer to see if i could find something to do ! and saw photo album. hahas. and that was what i did. looking at pictures for a while. and get back to slp. now, i'm preparing to go school to attend my c# lesson at 3pm. damm it. hahs. 3-6. i skipped this morn's lecture. ok gtg :D prepare all. bye ! oh yes, byebye to my soar throat.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Hello ! today i went out with ahyi to yck to book my final theory test. at around 3 plus i meet her after i went to mail out some stuffs. at mrt, saw minyee. hahas. so qiao. then took train to yck with ahyi. and walked to the SSDC. today was fast enough. not alot of ppl there. after that went to amk to have pepper lunch. and walked around amk central and hub. nothing much to shop anyway. so decided to go back to our hometown at bugis. hahas. it was around 6-7 plus when we took the train. then when we board the train. finding place to sit . only got one seat. then i sit. but i realised that the person beside put her bag like till half of my seat. wth. and she's in her early 40's i think ? damm inconsiderate. she is marking papers so i assume she is a teacher ? yes, and damm inconsiderate. let the bag sit. so i was very uncomfy but didnt want to get up. so i told ahyi : " kui ta shi lao shi lor " meaning like omg, to think she's a teacher lor. yea , then i think she heard then she move the bag away. like ......... ok then we reached bugis and went to eat the fresh cut fries. okoko. and went to sit at junction. today zhisheng not working. hahas. we standard one. bugis = find zs at work. lols. ok then , went to shop at bugis village. bought a dress and shorts. went to the newly opened building beside bugis v and took some photos. it was okok there. first time going stil got shops not opened yet. it was kinda big. so after that no place to go. we went to mac and slack. talk talk. and suddenly suggested to go villa with ahyi. so she called home after hesitating like a while saying that she'll be home late. so we train to tanjong pagar at 1130pm and reached villa. dad wasnt' angry seeing me there. *expected that he will * then sat for awhile. today the angmoh bartender got work. marcus also there.lols. played tong enk* ahhas. then went home at 1 with ah yi. dad still wanna hop to other pubs like usual. reached home and now blogging !!!

Thursday, April 9, 2009
hello ! blogging now ! after addicted to ONLINE GAME meetoto. omg, can you believe this. actually i went in to hear people sing. is like that's my main motive signing up a free account. you can hear people singing , you can sing provided you have a mic attached to your lappy or desktop. hahas. it was ok. then i went to explore. hahas. then i was playing the pair it up like dunno for how many hours. okok. that's what i 've been doing this two days.
hahas. today's a okok day. hahas. woke at 1 plus because deardear lost his key so i had to open the door for him. wtf. he bought me lunch :D hahas. and actually wanted to go book final theory. then end up didnt. lols. in the end i go chinatown buy shampoo. hahas. always go there in a few months to buy house shampoo all. like auntie like that. hahas. no lar. then it was drizzling when we were going out. but stopped after we reached chinatown. hahas. then after buying we went to bugis walk walk. hahas. went to have the fries, damm nice. got alot of sauce you can choose. we chose the tartar sauce. it wasnt as good as nachos one. lol. hmmm, then.... on the way we saw adam....... lols. shant elaborate more. hahas. ok then we went to rockery to sit and rest. then went to bugis village walk walk. hahas. never buy anything. then we bought kfc home to eat. hahas. the bargain deal. ah ma also got eat. she loves kfc. ahas. after dinner, camwhore with deardear cus didnt take much pictures when we go out earlier.
and i'm watching wrestling now !! omg, hahas. the disc before wrestle mania 25th ! nice nice nice nice nice !!!! LOVE JOHN CENA !!!!!!!

hahas. today's a okok day. hahas. woke at 1 plus because deardear lost his key so i had to open the door for him. wtf. he bought me lunch :D hahas. and actually wanted to go book final theory. then end up didnt. lols. in the end i go chinatown buy shampoo. hahas. always go there in a few months to buy house shampoo all. like auntie like that. hahas. no lar. then it was drizzling when we were going out. but stopped after we reached chinatown. hahas. then after buying we went to bugis walk walk. hahas. went to have the fries, damm nice. got alot of sauce you can choose. we chose the tartar sauce. it wasnt as good as nachos one. lol. hmmm, then.... on the way we saw adam....... lols. shant elaborate more. hahas. ok then we went to rockery to sit and rest. then went to bugis village walk walk. hahas. never buy anything. then we bought kfc home to eat. hahas. the bargain deal. ah ma also got eat. she loves kfc. ahas. after dinner, camwhore with deardear cus didnt take much pictures when we go out earlier.
and i'm watching wrestling now !! omg, hahas. the disc before wrestle mania 25th ! nice nice nice nice nice !!!! LOVE JOHN CENA !!!!!!!
Monday, April 6, 2009
classmates day :D
hello ! today went to celebrate qianling's advance birthday. we planned to meet at 1pm at orchard sakura. everyone reached. (qianling, sher, joanna, shalyn, bucksoon, janos, jiayao, xan, junjie, nick, kenny, terence) and me being late. some couldnt make it. and i reach around 130pm. its buffet is till 230pm. everyone's like eating already when i reached. and i went to hunt for those yummy food there ! and like i ate very slow. by the time i finished eating the first round. it was already like closing to get ready for the next buffet. omg, and we cut the cake and left. just like that. omg. it's like a plate of mixed food only leh. haven eat to my fill yet . but.......... i had DIY-ed an ice cream. hahaas. with nick. taken a few pictures before we left. and the girls went to shopping at orchard :D xan went back to school terence went to find his fren and nick went home i guess ? or go find his milk = nai = mistress ? lols. hahas. and we went to janos house. left only janos, kenny , jiayao, bucksoon , jj , shalyn and me. headed to sengkang on train. oh yes !!!! before that , when we were walking from sakura to somerset mrt. guess who i saw !!!! omg , i saw jeremy nicholas ! hahas. omg, it's been a year plus since i saw him. he's my tuition friend when i'm taking my O's . lols. omg, was sooooooo delighted !!! he shaved his hair botak. lols. and then chit chated awhile and back with my frens. so we just slack at janos house. use com , chat, tv all. and went home at around 8plus. took train to boon keng and changed bus home :D
the ice cream i DIY :D

Me and nick. he was forced.


Group photo- a little blurred. i think the person shake a little when taking.
the ice cream i DIY :D
Me and nick. he was forced.
Group photo- a little blurred. i think the person shake a little when taking.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
today was not a very good day. as my stomach is not feeling well. ok. went to clementi at 3 plus to meetup and get some stuffs. then waited and shop around till 430 until that person came. deardear went with me. and after that my stomach is aching like hell. then we trained home after that. nothing much to blog also. but just to share with you all, by2's 2nd album is out ! and its nice !!! hahas.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
YAY ! day out before qiang's enlistment
hello !! hahas. just as the title says. it's a day out with a group of friends before qiang's enlistment to ns on the 7th. hmmm, it was only decided ystd. and till today's afternoon then we confirm the timing. so we SAID we're meeting at 4pm. at plaza sing. then as usual, we're ALL late ! hahs. but yicong, tianwei and keelong met up first. and i reached around 530pm and i'm sort of the second. hahas . then the others came later as some of us had something on earlier. so, we went to pizza hut to eat ! lols. it was a random decision too. we just walked in. then only the five of us. soon, ahyi came to join us. so 6. after we eat already, py fel and ziliang reached and bought some things at daiso. walked to cathay to buy tickets for our movie :D watched mall cop. it was rather funny and stupid and ok . hahas. then, after our movie we saw JIAHENG and his gf :D hahas. so he was rushing to bugis. we were also heading to bugis ater movie. but didnt go together. at that time was already 9 plus. so we went to find sheng at his workplace. and on the way, omg. because its APRIL FOOL's day. there's this look alike 'crow feather' hanging on the ceiling along the path we were walking . and i cannot rmb who said look up or something. so when me and ahyi looked up. omg. we screamed like what. lols. really is shocked lor. omg. and so it was closing time when we reached bugis. sheng's gf was also at his workplace. so after that. went to eat wan ton mee behind bugis junction .near icon that building. keelong came to find us after he left for his bike prac. and went to slack near the library. so a total of 11 ppl :D GOOD OLD DAYS ! its been so long since we hang out together. so we slack till 12 like that. most of us rushed for the last bus. and leaving only, qiang sheng sheng's gf ahyi and me. its always the last few to leave because we live near each other. hahs. then we walked home from the library. then me and qiang go buy swee choon and went home !! i'm very thirsty now !!

zhisheng and his gf :D
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